Weekly Newsletter Information


This week in reading we are going to be covering the digraph /th/ th. We call this digraph the 'naughty brothers' because we stick out our tongue when we make the sound. The spelling words and stories we will be reading will reflect that concept.

Get Started Story: "Thanks, Seth!"

Main Selection: "Beth's Job" (realistic fiction)

Focus: expression, phoneme blending, initial blends with /s/.



We will be starting Chapter 5 where we will be practicing addition. We will be using a variety of methods to add. During this chapter we'll also introduce our addition flashcards that the students will be practicing during class time.






Monday: short /i/ with consonant y

Tuesday: short /i/ with vowel y

Wednesday: short /i/ with l, d, v, y

Thursday: short /i/; review open and closed syllables

Friday: introduction of short /o/





In science we will be investigating what light can do (shadows, heat, etc.). Next, we will be introducing and exploring how things move.

Social Studies

We are going to be learning about weather and will also be talking about the four different seasons.


Notes from Miss Osheim

Our class has a Halloween party on October 31st (Monday). I have emailed a few parents about volunteering to plan/coordinate this party. If you would be interested in volunteering and I haven't emailed you or even if you would just like to join us on Halloween, feel free to email me and I will help you get filled in! Thanks again for all your help!
